NOWRA P.O. Box 1696
Dover, DE 19903
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Membership Services

Industry Networking

DOWRA activities provide important opportunities for networking with other on-site professionals. Board meetings, educational classes and the conference provides members with opportunities to learn about the changing field in which they work by networking with local, regional, and national professionals.

Government Relations

DOWRA has an active committee which works closely with the governmental agency so that the concerns of the regulated community are heard. This committee works closely with the Department on the development of policies, regulations, as well as advises on their respective implementation impacts.

Public Relations

DOWRA on a daily basis, promotes and protects the onsite wastewater industry by communicating with the public, governmental agencies, other wastewater organizations and the news media.


DOWRA offers a forum so all member voices are heard. Members are also provided with the latest industry information and updates through newsletters which come out twice a year as well as quarterly board meetings.

Simply Septics

Simply Septics