NOWRA P.O. Box 1696
Dover, DE 19903
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In order to shape the organization, DOWRA relies on its committees for direction. We are always looking for committee volunteers, so if you would like to participate please contact the corresponding committee chair(s) below.

Bylaws Committee

Role: To ensure that the Association’s governance procedures are current and relevant to its ongoing work.

Contact: Niki Gustafson, Hilary Valentine, Carol A. Evans

Education/Outreach Committee

Role: Advance member education through classes, training, and materials.

Contact: Carol A. Evans, Hilary Valentine

DOWRA/DNREC Partnership

Role: Establish and facilitate effective communication with local, state and federal officials.

Contact: Mike White, Mike Cotten, Carol Ohm, Stephen Parsons

Membership Committee

Role: Define components to continue growth of organization and retain members.

Contact: Carol A. Evans, Niki Gustafson, David L. West

Nominating Committee

Role: To provide nominations for vacant board positions. Nominees must promote the onsite industry and the goals and mission of DOWRA.

Contact: Carol A. Evans, Niki Gustafson, Mike White

Membership Communication Committee / Tech

Role: To provide up to date information to the members on the association’s events, members, goals and educational activities.

Contact: Carol A. Evans, Niki Gustafson

Scholarship Committee

Contact: Hilary Valentine, Carol Ohm

Simply Septics

Simply Septics