NOWRA P.O. Box 1696
Dover, DE 19903
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On-Site Professional of the Year Award

DOWRA is pleased to announce that we have partnered with Delaware Technical Community College in creating an On-Site Professional of the Year Award. This award is to be presented annually to the on-site professional who has demonstrated outstanding technical excellence and an exemplary work ethic in the on-site field.

All board members and DNREC licensees can provide nominations. The award is presented in the spring of each year and includes a cash prize, plaque and their name will be placed on a marquee at the school.

Applications for On-Site Professional of the Year Awards may be obtained through contacting Hilary Valentine, Department Chair, and Del Tech Community College at (302) 259-6384.

On-Site Professional of the Year Award Winners

2015Brian Carbaugh
2014Jim Cassidy
2012John Short
2011Ken Walsh
2009Hollis Warren
2008Hilary Valentine
2007Lisa Wood
2006Dallas Ray

Lifetime Achievement Award

2025Byron Jefferson
A. Jay Dolby
2022Dr. Phil Snow
2015David J. Austin
2014Carol A.Evans
2011Charles White
2011Bob Bower

Simply Septics

Simply Septics